AAEA Scholarship Application Now Open
AAEA Awards
AAEA award recipients may qualify for a matching COABE award. Resubmit the AAEA award recipient’s name to the COABE.
Spring 2025 Conference
AAEA sponsors a Spring 2025 Hybrid Conference.
February 26–27, 2025
BP Energy Center, Anchorage, AK
When you join AAEA today, you'll be helping administrators, educators, and adult students reach their professional and educational goals.
The Alaska Adult Education Association (AAEA) formed in 1977 to assist in the development of an effective education program for adults in Alaska; to promote the professional development and training of practitioners in the field of adult education; to encourage further cooperation between practitioners, administrators, government officials, and citizens of Alaska in the delivery of adult education services; and to foster recognition of adult education as an integral part of public education.
Educate & Elevate Campaign
Some 55,000+ Adult Education leaders stand united in a national campaign to move learning opportunities forward for all Americans to achieve economic and social mobility. If you are an adult educator, stand with us in this national campaign to help policy makers understand the value we bring to students, workers, and businesses in contributing to social mobility and economic growth. If we educate, then we elevate.
Campaign components include:
A national survey of adult educators to understand what they need in their state and local landscapes for advocacy and outreach
Outreach Campaign Toolkits for organizations to tailor and use for advocacy efforts
Educational webinars and coaching with national marketing and communications experts to leverage the Campaign Toolkit for your advocacy efforts
An expansive website to collectively share adult learner and employer success stories, testimonials and the innovations taking place across the country in Adult Education
A campaign video to use on your state and local websites to educate target audiences about our national efforts.
Campaign Community of Practice for peer-to-peer learning
Regular eblasts on campaign progress and highlights from across the country in adult education innovations and successes